TTTech achieved a major milestone with the first interoperability testing of its IEEE 802.1Qbu implementation for preemption in Time Sensitive Networking (TSN). TTTech performed the tests together with other members of the Industrial Internet Consortium during a TSN testbed event in Erbach, Germany. TTTech contributed its DEIP Solution Edge to this interoperability testing.
TSN comprises a set of new standards that are being developed within the IEEE to make Ethernet deterministic and therefore suitable for critical industrial and automotive applications. Interoperability between vendors is a vital aspect of TSN that will enable an open platform for data exchange within control systems. The IEEE 802.1Qbu standard is designed to enable preemption, ensuring that large Ethernet frames do not block the path of time-critical messages through converged networks.
The testing included a number of scenarios intended to show that communication between IEEE 802.1Qbu enabled devices could be prioritized and preempted. In the testbed TTTech used its DEIP Solution Edge product, integrated on an Intel Cylone V SoC-based NetLeap board from NovTech. In addition to IEEE 802.1Qbu, TTTech’s Edge IP Solution already supports the IEEE 802.1Qbv and IEEE 802.1AS TSN standards.
Find more information about TTTech’s DEIP Solution Edge: http://www.tttech-industrial.com/products/slate/edge-ip-solution/